Like it or not, We still feed Donkeys with Strawberries

Location: Singapore
Many label the post 90s Singaporeans as the Strawberry Generation, i absolutely agree. They are born in an era where computer games replace good old kampung style catching. The only sweat they have is on their palms, with a few trickles here and there.

Extreme and single-minded in thrashing the later generation?

I agree.

Perhaps is my lack of interaction with the post 90s that got me entangled in that dark sport of perception.

The light at the other end lit up with shadows and shuffling. I was on the fifth floor in one of the old rented housing estate for MYOB reasons. These noisy bunch of whatever are knocking from door to door. Nosy as i always am, i approach them.

They are handing out packets of food and 3M N95 masks to the residents.

They are students who volunteer on their own initiatives to help our fellow elderly. It was NOT one of those school organized volunteering activity that i used to skip. These young Singaporeans did more from within their heart than i ever did during my school days.

Have we been giving donkeys strawberries all along? At least for today i thought so with conviction.

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