3P Telemarketers

Location: Singapore
Receive yet another cold call from them. Personal loans, insurance, credit cards and whatever services they want us to dive in. While some telemarketers are sensible enough to take my flat NO as the FULL-STOP to our one way communication; there are some pesky, persistent and pushy ones that can't seem to understand or accept my disinterest. Let's label them as 3P. I come from a humble background with strict upbringings, particularly on mannerism but why further our conversation when i clearly have no interest?

Why am i Fed UP with Telemarketers?

They always call at the wrong timings and perhaps all timings.

Most have very incomprehensible accents?! How the hell do i know what you are talking about? Stop speaking in tongues!

Some even try to be funny. It will GET YOU NOWHERE. I recall an incident when one telemarketer tries to introduce me to some personal loan at ZERO % interest. I told that 3P off immediately that i have no need for loans and he goes on blabbering what ifs and do you. WTF! Trying to do your psycho thingy at the expense of my privacy, so you can score some praises and commission? You can be articulate and smarty but first observe my tone and repetition. Get out!

When i say No Thank You.. No.. I'm not interested.. repeatedly, stop trying your luck. Listen with your heart.

I cut him off, called the bank and reported the number to IDA.

3P Telemarketers. I appreciate your job dedication, and understand your disappointments when you face multiple rejections. However that does not give you the right to hassle our time and rape our ears.

I worked as a part-time timeshares telemarketer many years ago when i was a student. Be aggressive accordingly. If someone refuses to listen to whoever you are representing or whatever you are selling, stop the aggression. Ask politely if you should call at a better timing and if the reply is still NO, move on to the next one on your list. Use your aggression sparingly and carefully on only those interested. I am sure you have stacks of leads lining up, and if you are hard-working.. even a 0.5% conversion will get you somewhere.

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